Show your pet you care on love Your Pet Day

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Today is love Your Pet Day! Our family pets give us unconditional love, so this special day is a great opportunity for us to return the favor by showing them how much we appreciate their devoted companionship. No matter what type of pet you have, try to take some time and give your beloved pet some extra attention and love. Luckily, there are lots of basic things you can do to pamper your pet, like taking your pet dog on a longer walk than usual, giving your cat some extra treats, or just spending some quality snuggle-time together.

How are you planning to show your pet some extra love today? Head over to our Facebook page to check out how other pet lovers are going to celebrate, and find out how you can enter for a chance to win a pet care package to pamper your own cat or dog. We’ll notify the 4 random winners on our Facebook page on Friday, February 26th.
