Cerebellar Hypoplasia in pets

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Cerebellar hypoplasia is a condition where the part of the brain known as the cerebellum is not fully mature at birth. Causes of cerebellar hypoplasia include injury, poisoning, and malnutrition. Bacterial and viral infections, including panleukopenia in cats, also may result in the birth of pets with cerebellar hypoplasia. Symptoms include jerky movements, tremors, uncoordinated motion, as well as the animal will typically fall as it tries to walk.  The tremors seem to increase when the animal is excited, while they usually will ease up at rest.

There is currently no treatment or cure of this condition in dogs and cats.   The disease is not usually progressive, and most pets will have a normal lifespan.  Living with a disabled animal requires making adjustments in the home environment to insure safety for the affected pet.